
Sofia Najihah Binti Abd Aziz . 1996 . Smk Seri Pagi & Gombak Integrated Boarding School . Malaysian . Outspoken.
Instagram : sofiaziz | Twitter : @s0fiacs

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Bon Voyage !

Assalammualaikum and salam ramdhan.

Alhamdulillah, i just came back from doing my preparation at Intec yesterday. Ive stayed there for almost a month. Everything went very well, very smoothly. Such a blessing to be one of them. Oh i forgot to mention, ive passed the frenchmen interview, and my flight with another 39 of us will depart on 14th July.

Soon, its very soon dear. so now, im finishing my 9 days with my family and pals. Mum cries all the time. I cant help much than to persuade her to calm down, to convince her that i will be very fine there. Theres nothing much to worry about. Bcs we are 40 we face the same things tho.

But deep inside siapa yang tak sedih. siapa yang tak takut kan. But i believe one thing, Allah grants me with this rezki to fly, at this very young age, at this very short time, He knows everything we dont, He wont grant me this if He know i cant handle it, He wont burden someone if He know they cant bear it. So everytime i feel scared, insecured, sad i know Allah satu satunya tempat kita berpaling.

In shaa Allah started from 15th of July, i have to face the real LIFE on my own.
May Allah ease.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Allez Paris!

Assalammualaikum and bonjour !

So alhamdulillah, after getting some information and persuasion ive decide to choose JPAs Scholarship. At first, memang rasa nak pilih Mara sbb its US where you dont have to worry about the language and US's education system is quite easy compared to UKs and Frenchs. But yeah, ive received so many help from my seniors, my uncle and my jiran punya jiran and now im crystal clear about this kind of stuff.

Jpa divided into two programme tht are French Programme (FP) and pre-French Programme (PF). Once you have been offered this scholarship, Jpa will decide which programme is for you. FP, you have to undergo preparation programme at INTEC about a month or more or less, depends on JPA itself. And then fly to France, doing foundation for 1 year and half. And then you will be doing BSc HONS for 5 years. This programme is rather be called Fast Track.

And for PF, you will be doing foundation for 2 years at Malaysian French Inst. and further your study in France for 5 years, Only after you excel well in final exam. Ive been offered the FP programme. Mostly those yang applied untuk France ni akan dapat yang FP.

But, the things is, dekat intec tu nanti we have another interview awaits! Interview with the frenchmen. They will choose the students that are truly capable to do fast track. So basically, i have to put much more effort on getting this opportunity. If i didnt manage to do well in that interview, i have to take that PF programme, i still can fly to france but another 2 years to come. Of course, tell me, who on earth yang tanak fast track ? Habis awal, in shaa Allah dengan master, balik malaysia awal, kawin awal huhuhu. Ok ni gurau.

Apa apa pun , saya masih ada interview kene lalui. Doakan yang terbaik untk saya in shaa Allah hidup kita sama sama di berkati.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Future Sketching ( France/US)

Assalammualaikum. This entry is about my future sketching, what offers ive received, and to which institution im going to step. 

My first rezeki is matriculation programme in Kolej Mara Kulim, Kedah. Jauh na ceq nak pi kedah huhu. And for ipta i got programme asasi sains pertanian di UPM. UM tak dapat because i put it as my third choice in upu application form huhu my fault.

So last 23rd May i registered in UPM as an ASPer's streamers X student. UPM is pretty nice, the places, the seniors are warm, the accomodations were all in a very good condition eventho they are quite lame physically.

on that night JPA result pun keluar. Alhamdulillah berjaya jugak akhirnya. So i hve been offered to prsue my study in France in chemical engineering but i tak decide lagi either terima tawaran or tak padahal mmg nak. this thing akan jadi susah when your parents want you to be a vet(doktor haiwan) and you want to be an engineer. Its all about harapan dan impian. Harapan parents dan Impian kita sendiri.

Alhamdulillah, Jpa dah dapat. tunggu Mara pula esoknya.
Malam orientasi sedang sedap tengok senior wat konsert dengan tak sengaja nya check lah result mara. 
Alhamdulillah dapat jugak tawaran persediaan ke luar negara, course yg sama chemical engineering, negara nya Amerika Syarikat. Jantung dah berdegup kencang ni nak nengok Eiffel Tower ke nak overnight kat New York ke or makan Fuel Shack kat KLCC.

Bila benda jadi camni, kita mmg perlu buat keputusan yang betul. supaya tak sangkut di tengah jalan atau menyesal kesudahnya. Pendapat orng mmg sangat diperlukan. Research tentang negara dan universiti pun kene buat frequently supaya benda semuanya clean and clear. So siapa yg ada pendapat do feel free to share, through  fb or twitter. mmg sgt diperlukan.

so skrg mmg dlm dilema tak tahu nak pilih mana. Allah maha pemurah. Apa kita nak kalau kita usaha dan tawakkal Dia mmg akan bantu. Alhamdulillah, semua yang saya apply, yang saya nak, saya dapat. Tapi tulah, dalam rezeki yang dikurniakan diselitkan juga ujian nya. Mahu 3 hari 3 malam tak tido duk cari jawapan. Apa apa pun doakan yang terbaik ok. Dan goodluck dan Tahniah kpd yalls yg dapat offer jugak or yg sdg study skrg ni.

till we meet again !